The best SaaS websites are built to market your product features, educate visitors on its core benefits, and convert them into customers and free trial users. But to attract customers and drive conversions, your SaaS website must have two qualities (apart from great content). SEO – SaaS SEO ensures your website gets organic search traffic […]
Whether you’ve heard the term B2B SaaS or not, you probably already use different SaaS products for your business. How do I know? Recent studies show that the average company in the US uses 130+ SaaS applications to manage various business operations. In addition, the SaaS space is expected to be worth almost $200 billion […]
Did you know that 81% of customers consider a brand’s trust level the deciding factor in their purchase decisions? And how do you build trust and position your brand as an authority? Research shows consumers trust brands that consistently publish problem-solving content and answer their most burning questions. In other words, to get more leads […]
In the oversaturated world of SEO and content marketing, business leaders and marketing experts need to stay on top of the latest trends. Why? It is crucial to not only stay relevant and nurture brand visibility, but also to capitalize on inbound marketing potential. After all, 79% of companies use content marketing to generate leads […]